
127 Seconds

The other day I watched that movie 127 hours, where the guy gets his hand caught under a rock and eventually cuts off his arm to get free.  This was simply amazing to me.  Now, I’m not saying that I am comparing myself to this incredibly brave soul, but man, once I had one of those splinters in my finger that you can’t really even see, but every time you touch something you can feel it so you know it’s still there?  Or how about a paper cut, and not just a paper cut but the kind that you get from that thicker paper and you can really feel it slide into your skin?  I think they call it construction paper but I’ve never seen them construct anything with it.  Or maybe that’s what they were using in the 70’s to construct houses am I right or am I right people? Seriously, I’ll be here all week!  Anyway that thick paper paper-cut is the worst!  Then you put a bandage on it but no matter what you do, when you use that finger again the cut pops open like a baby chicks mouth begging for regurgitated food from its mommy.  But in your case the food is usually a grain of salt. True story: I got one of those paper cuts one time and it hurt so bad that I actually did cut off my arm!  I’ve always regretted not having cut off the one with the paper cut though, cause it took a while to heal I’ll tell you what.  Ha, joking!  Again, all week is the length of time that I will be here.  How about this, what if the guy who spent the 127 hours stuck in that canyon had one hand caught by the boulder and the other hand had a wicked paper cut on it?  Double trouble there! He would’ve been screaming in pain cause of his boulder hand, and in between that on the paper cut hand he would have been making that inhaling hiss sound that you make when you inhale noisily from stuff like that.  Then you’d need to cut off your arm AND you’d need a bandage for your finger. See, things can always be worse.

1 Response

  1. Francie

    John, this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a LONG time!!! I love the way your brain works 🙂
    We miss you and Kim, and we hope that soon it will be safe for you to visit the desert.

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