
Big Words

A friend of mine asked me recently ‘Hey, do you like Existentialism‘?  And my first thought was, how am I going to answer this question involving a word, Exis…whatever, that is clearly just series of letters thrown together that obviously don’t form an actual word that means anything?  Plus it’s so long I keep nodding off while trying to repeat it?  Then I just looked away from my friend and thought, just sound it out, John.  So I did…..’Do I like existentialism’ he asked.  Egg-cist-stencil-ism.  Well I like ‘Eggs’, especially when they’re disguised as something like cupcakes, or pancakes.  They seem to like to name cakes after things in the kitchen, Pan-Cake, Cup-Cake.  I have all those things so I’m not afraid of that part of the word.  Anyway next part, I don’t like it when I have a ‘cist‘ so that’s one vote for, and one against. However, I DO like to INcist on things so that kind of evens out.  Next, I LOVE ‘stencils’ because I’m not too good at drawring (all pronunciations of the word Drawring will be using the British inflection) so I need to use a stencil.  I used to think I was great at drawring but one day when I went to my mum (also Brit speak) and handed her a new drawring I had made for her I asked ‘Why don’t you put it on the fridge mommy’? and she said ‘Because they don’t allow us to have a fridge in the nursing home you moron’.   I have a feeling she simply didn’t like the drawring and used the nursing home as an excuse.  Either way, it was a tough thing that day for an impressionable young 38 year old to hear.  Which brings us to the last part of the word, ‘Ism‘.  Now, this can be a pretty useful thing to say, especially when you use it like:  I’m worried there ‘Ism-ouse over there in the corner, cause if there ism-ouse, I’m not going into that corner, you know, because of the m-ouse’!  That was it, I had made my big decision on whether or not I liked existentialism.  So I turned back to my friend and said…’Hey, where’d you go’?


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