
Cat Danger

Today I would like to examine the old but popular phrase ‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat‘.  I don’t get it, were people really hungry or just mean?  Or perhaps people were mean BECAUSE they were hungry cause I know I get that way sometimes.  Maybe not ‘cat skinning’ mean but I was so hungry once that I almost slugged a puppy in the arm, so I know what hunger anger can do to a person.  That’s fun to say, say hunger anger out loud right now….wasn’t that fun?  But why is there MORE than one way to skin a cat, did the guy who figured out one way to skin a cat get bested by another guy who found a better way to skin a cat?  Does there need to be more than one way to skin a cat?  Does there really need to be ONE way?  I feel like, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like if we would have made it as a civilization all the way in to the 21st century without having any idea of how to skin a cat, then we would be almost as well off as we are today, with our current apparent cat skinning knowledge, don’t you agree?  Things wouldn’t really be that much different?  I mean sure, there would be a few more cats possibly but not all that many more right?  Because I don’t think that many people even skin cats anymore.  Why did this skill, if you will, (Also fun to say: Skill if you will) exist in the first place?  And not just exist but flourish it seems since everyone knows there are at least two ways to do it.  God forbid there be 3 ways, or more!  I’m sure back in the old days they used the cat fur for many things.  Like Daniel Boone and his famous Cat Skin Cap.  Women wore the popular Cat Fur Stockings. And there was that famous line in the old country song- ‘Kitten sheets to lie on’.  But I just haven’t seen a lot of need for cat skinning in my lifetime.  I don’t know if we will ever get to the bottom of this incredible saying.  I suppose that’s just the way the ball bounces. A ball that would have been chased by a cat, less he not be skinned!

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