

I would like to introduce everyone to a new social networking site that I’m starting up. It’s called Face-2-Face (→ Picture one of those little C’s above the name with a circle around it that means Copyright….

I just can’t find that symbol on my keyboard….I’m looking for it but now I just noticed my cuticles and they are really FREAKING ME OUT….

I mean why do we even have them and what are they for….is it proper to put this many words inside of parentheses….I’m sure someone will tell me it’s wrong….I don’t care though, it’s just the alphabet and I can do whatever I want with it). Ok back to this new social networking site I am starting up called Face-2-Face → Again picture the small C with the circle that means copyright, but this time notice I didn’t pigeon hole myself with pesky parentheses. Here’s how Face-2-Face works.

You contact a person that you want to communicate with by giving them what I am naming a ‘Jingle’. That’s done by touching or pressing a series of numbers on your phone. Then you speak into your phone to them and arrange a time and place to start up Face-2-Face. Next you go to the agreed upon location and when you see the person you want to make contact with you go to them, look at their face while they are looking at yours, and you begin to vibrate your vocal cords at them until sound comes out of your mouth (I can teach almost anyone over 1 and a half years old how to do this).

They should at that point make their vocal cords vibrate in response yours. You will instantly understand what each other is ‘saying’ and you will continue to do this until you agree to part ways. THIS my friends is my new social network Face-2-Face. If you just look around you it’s clear that this is already becoming all the rage as you can see people using it everywhere. If you would like to join but are unsure how to use my new network just contact me on Facebook or Twitter or Linked In or….

1 Response

  1. Kenneth Robinson

    Funny stuff. I’d make a joke about some of it but I’m at work where I get paid megabucks to be serious all day. Boring…

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