
Mind Games

Have you ever run into someone at the elevator, and you only know them from seeing them before while waiting for the elevator, and you say “Hey”, and they say “How’s it going?” and you say “Good”, then you get into the elevator and happen to be going like 5000 floors together in the slowest elevator on earth and you have to think of something to say? But you don’t really want to talk so you get out your phone and start ‘working’ on it even though it doesn’t work in this elevator, then you put it away and say ‘Man, unbelievable weather’ even though on the news last night they just commented on how this is the most believable weather we’ve ever had? So you decide to just stare at them right in the face and you don’t look away even though they look up at you a couple times then look back down and they are clearly starting to feel uncomfortable, but you know that this is the ONLY chance you’re going to get to try psychically get them to blurt out the word Filibuster, but they just won’t say it so you step a little closer to them as the elevator stops on a floor but no one gets on or off and that makes you both feel really weird? You start to wish you would have tried the word Fill on them because it’s only one syllable and seems like it might be easier to get them to say, but it’s too late now and you’re committed to Filibuster. Say it! Say Filibuster!! Filibuster Filibuster Filibuster Filibuster!!! It’s working, they’re opening their mouth, but the elevator door is opening at the same time, and they only say ‘See ya’, and you say ‘Filibuster’ cause you’ve been focusing on it so much it just came out of your mouth. Then they look at you strange and walk really fast, and you call your doctor to tell them what just happened and they say to please come in right away? Well? Has this ever happened to you? Because if I see you again, it might!

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