
Movie Ideas

There are not enough B movies this summer that involve animals and insects doing bad things, so I have some ideas for some that I’ll share with you because this is that thing where I write stuff and hope that you like me for it. Listed below is each premise, title and of course the all important sub-title. If some of these make you laugh, please do so responsibly.

A Rhino runs rampant through the city flattening people with powerful sprays of milk in-
RhinocerCow: Milk it for all it’s worth!

Frogs learn to fly by flapping their arms really really really fast, and they keep getting all up in your bidness in-
HummingToad: Leapfrog just got real yo!

In a not so merry mix up, Bulls get fused with Parakeets, only to wreak havoc on the town when they attempt to change the pecking order in-
Para-Bulls: It’s time you grew one!

Mule like animals suddenly have the ability to jump but never know where they’re going to land in-
Donk-a-Roo: Watch your Ass!

A Penguin and a Palomino become one and are out for revenge in-
PenPal: This time, two wrongs make a write!

Genetically mutated Grasshoppers are fused with Hornets and hop through towns stinging their way to terror in-
HorHopper: (I’m not sayin a word!)

Somehow a Chicken is altered to have a huge bladder, yet absolutely no bladder control in-
Chick-Pees: Ur-ine big trouble now!

Cats inhabit homes across the world leaving fur all over the place but offering little in return in-
Why do people have Cats? Seriously, why?

Hamsters and Groundhogs somehow melt into one, then go completely unnoticed because neither one is dangerous in-
HamHog: I love you with eggs! Oh, did I mention, they also have GUNS!?!

A mouse and a snake mix together creating a mouse that when irritated makes a rattle sound by shaking his tail, but when really ticked off he explodes, in
RattleMouse: I’m all shook up!

Magpies suddenly do whatever Magpies do because I don’t know what a Magpie is, in-
Magpies: Are you real or did I hear about you from a children’s story?

Horses and Otters become one to form a much better looking animal in-
HOtter: You are SO good lookin! Oh, did I mention they have….

Monkeys become easily irritated and begin throwing their feces at anything and everything in-
Monkeys: This already happens so why do people like these things?

In a world where poodles are mixed with Llamas, the spitting commences with very little shedding in-
PooMas: Move over other Puma, Or so help me I will spit on you!

A Manatee and an Orangutan inexplicably meld into one and, for some reason they have a bunch of lighter fluid in-
Man-U-Tan: Don’t get burnt!

A jellyfish and a skunk combine for a stingy stinkfest in-
SmellyJelly: We’re spreading, and you’re toast!

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