
Phrases in D Minor (Part One)

Darn Tootin:  In a word: Gas-X.  Or is that two words?  Either way, it will help you with your Darn Tootin.

Dead as a Doorknob: In an attempt to make this phrase a lie, I have always used live turtles as my doorknobs.  Call me sentimental, or insane, but don’t call me a person who doesn’t buy a lot of turtles, because I do!

Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You:  So….wash them?

Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk: Too general.  I mean, how much did you spill and what did you spill it on?  If you spilled a swimming pool full on grandma for instance, I think you can go ahead and cry.  But later at the funeral when everyone is quiet, say ‘Hey Grandma, got milk?’ Just to lighten the mood.

Drawing a Blank: I have always found this very easy to do…look, I just drew one! Downside, you’re gonna suck at Pictionary!

Don’t change Horses in Mid Stream:  It’s probable that if you are ON one horse, and you meet another horse in the middle of a stream he’s probably peeing, so he’ll need to be changed.  Maybe I’m not understanding this one.

Deer in the Headlights:  This means you either have HUGE headlights, or you have found a very tiny deer.  God I hope it’s the tiny deer thing cause that would be SO cute!

Don’t look a Gift Horse in the Mouth:  Find me ONE Gift Horse and I’ll look him in any orifice I want!

Don’t Go There:  If ‘There’ is near ME, I would have to agree.

Don’t Hold your Breath:  Unless someone spills an awful lot of milk on you.  Poor Grandma….

Drinks Like a Fish: Basically this means that, as with fish gills, everything that goes into you immediately comes right out of you.  So…. you have the flu?

Driving me up the Wall: Which is a little weird because I currently live ON THE FLOOR!!

Doom and Gloom:  I think, and correct me if I’m wrong, that doom is in fact also gloom.  So you don’t really have to say Doom AND Gloom.  They are kind of one and the same.  Like depression and reruns of shows about cats doing ANYTHING.

Down for the Count:  What count?  Dracula?

Dressed to Kill:  So you’re wearing a GUN!!

Drop in the Bucket: Sounds like someone’s got an enlarged prostate!  Get it?  Because…never mind, just think about it.

Diamonds are a girl’s Best Friend:  HAHA!  To bad diamonds, she likes you as a ‘friend’.  I’ve been in that ‘friend’ trap, meanwhile Cubic Zirconia is taking her home…

Drop Dead Gorgeous: Ah, so you must have run into the gal who was ‘Dressed to Kill’

Don’t put all your eggs in one Basket:  And if you carry a basket, I’m gonna smack you SO hard!

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