

My first ever suggested story topic is from the late, great Charles Spurgeon who suggested that I write about Predestination. Thanks Chuck!

Predestination is the doctrine that all things are pre-determined by God (whomever your God) or some other force in which… wait this isn’t a sermon, look it up!

Now, you can try to trip me up by suggesting difficult topics for me to make jokes about, but I have a habit of starting a story out about one subject and ending it about an entirely different subject. I can’t help it, it’s kind of like it’s predestined in my story writing (see what I’m doing here Chucky?). So, you can’t have predestination without post destination (says me!), so let’s tackle that one first. A persons Post Destination is: Most likely an Urn or a Grave. Or possibly illegally sprinkled over Lake Michigan or some other body of water that reminds you of something I don’t care about. Ok now that I’ve solved that doctrine which I just made up, let’s tackle Predestination. Although I do have to tell you that I write very short stories and this one is dragging on a bit. AND it is was predestined that I would not be able to write much about such a heady subject, given the fact that the person who actually suggested I write about predestination made very sure that I would not be able to get a proper education while we were in school, and trust me I use those words ‘in school’ VERY loosely!

So let’s just put predestination to the ultimate test. If everything in the universe is predestined and I have no actual control over it, would predestination REALLY allow me to end a story in the middle of a


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