
Siri Again

I was playing around with Siri today because I apparently don’t have any friends and I have too much time on my hands (See how I beat you to the punch there?).  So I decided I would try to fool it.  Yes I said ‘It‘.  Siri is an It, not a Her.  Just because something has a female voice doesn’t mean it’s actually a female.  Case in point: None of the Bee Gee’s were females,  right?….I think that’s right.  Wait a sec….”How can you mend a broken heart….”  Despite that lyric I’m sticking to my guns for now.  That’s actually a lie, I don’t have any guns.  Plus I totally don’t understand that saying: ‘sticking to my guns’.   “Hey, I discovered candy today!”.  Get it?  The candy got on my hands so I’m sticking to my guns? Cause I like to carry guns and eat candy?  Anyway, Boy George also had a female voice but he was a man.  You should know that from his name- George.  Michael Jackson we simply never had enough data on to make the call.  But back to the It in question, Siri. So I voice texted using Siri and randomly said “Why don’t you come over”  followed by  “Pound sign Number sign”.  Knowing that # and # are the same symbol I of course expected my phone to start shaking and smoking and for Siri to say ‘this does not compute…does not compute…’  or something funny like that.  But instead Siri just replied with one symbol ‘#’ even though I clearly asked for two.   That brought up two questions.  1- Did Siri give me the single pound/number sign knowing that they were the same thing?  And 2- Was there nothing better I should have been doing on a Friday at 1PM?  I guess I can answer both of those questions in Siri fashion by singularly saying: YES.  Perhaps I just don’t know how to talk to Siri, which makes me think It really IS a Her.

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