
Super Dooper

Well it’s that time of year again and I love the Super Bowl! But I have always wanted to see one more game, something I have named the SUPER DOOPER BOWL! In the Super Dooper Bowl, the winner of the Super Bowl, plays the winner of the World Series! In Hockey!! Standard hockey rules will apply but just for a twist the puck will for some reason be imperceptibly smaller. I would also like to see a change in the way the baseball season is ended. Again, love the World Series, but there isn’t nearly enough trash talk in baseball so how about the World Series winner plays the kings of trash talk- the NBA champions, in what will be called The WORD Series! In The Word Series the NBA’rs will wittily (is that a word?) talk about how: You’re so ugly, selfie sticks won’t function around you!
And: Your last date came home with you, because after all, you and your momma DO live together!
Meanwhile the baseball players will…um… maybe spit and check their packages, and I’m not talking about deliveries from Amazon (Ba dump bump). I know it sounds improbable that any of this will happen, but maybe if the powers that be read this! Or maybe if YOU read this and you know some of the powers that be? Are you reading this!?! Can you even read? Because I heard that: You were scared to go to school because you thought the alphabet was lookin at you funny! That’s right! Man, see how good I’d be at The Word Series?

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