
The Future

THE FUTURE IS HERE! That’s what I hear sometimes on TV when someone is talking about a new tech thing. But you know what? When I was a little boy in West Virginia, a state I’ve never been to, I was watching TV and they said ‘The Future Is Here’. Could they have been lying? Because now it’s all these years later and according to this TV commercial today the future has apparently JUST finally arrived. Why did it take so long? The funny thing about it is, people who are born 20 years from now will have missed the future all together. But wait a second…remember when I just typed THE FUTURE IS HERE in all caps? That was several minutes ago, maybe even an hour the way I hunt and peck….so how could the future have been back then?… Speaking of the future, can’t we come up with a better way to say you suck at typing than Hunt and Peck? First of all the word ‘peck’ is associated with birds and guess what, birds do not want to be associated with the word ‘hunt’. Am I right or am I right, or are you reading this? So if the future was here when I first typed that the future was here, then what are we in right now? Or now? Or Now?? It’s certainly not the past because my GamGam isn’t around! Plus I just heard a honking sound outside and I don’t think you can honk a horse (you know, because in the past they used horses rather than cars? Try to keep up). But I have to admit it would be AWESOME if you could honk a horse, and I’m really not sure why.   I love animals and don’t think you should try to honk any of them. Except maybe a rabbit. Go ahead and try to honk a rabbit, but don’t do it in front of other rabbits because it would be embarrassing for the aforementioned honked rabbit. In fact maybe you shouldn’t do it in front of any people either, because I was just thinking, I’m not sure how you are going to try to honk this rabbit of yours, but I AM sure people don’t want to see you try! You know what? They always say that in the future, anything is possible. So maybe honking a rabbit is the only way we’ll know if we are in the future!

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