
The LEAK!!!

The other day I was in a vacant high rise condo that was for sale and I noticed that the ceiling was dripping water onto the tile floor.  I contacted the realtor and informed him of the situation, then I grabbed a trash can and put it under the leak.  Now, before I go any further I want you to know that I don’t like it when people start tossing words around like ‘Hero’ and ‘Savior’, ‘Courageous’ and ‘Fearless’.  I’m just a guy doin his thang.  More courageous, fearless and heroic than most?  Ok I’ll give you that, but barely a savior, come on!  Let’s stop making such a big deal about it please! I mean, did I save lives that day?  Probably, but that’s not the point.  I only did what anyone whose mom called them ‘special’ once when talking to the Principal in the second grade at Holy Trinity in hopes that they would pass me through to the third grade pending the results of the series of IQ tests I would be made to take at Drake University that summer would do.  And fortunately for the hundreds of residents of that condo community, countless dogs and what the hell I’m in a good mood so let’s go ahead and toss in a cat or two, I passed that IQ test and went on to daydream my way through 3rd grade too!

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